När jag vaknade i morse hade jag både ett fint sms och en massa kommentarer som väntade på mig. Lycklig! Ni gjorde genast min dag mycket bättre så nu tänker jag gå runt och hoppa på moln hela dagen!

Just nu dricker jag latte och ska gå ner och fixa tvätten och sen ska jag lägga mig i soffan och gosa med världens mysigaste hund och bara ha det bra framför Sex and the City. Senare ikväll vankas det pizza-bakning och Mello-mys för full rulle hos mig så en dammsugning sitter kanske fint. Nu ska jag sluta svamla och vara så j*vla glad... Vad ska ni hitta på idag?

When I woke up this morning I had both a good income and a lot of comments waiting for me. Happy! You were once my day much better so now I walk around and jump on clouds all day!
Right now I drink latte and will go down and fix the laundry and then I put myself on the couch and cuddle with the world's nicest dog and just have a good front of Sex and the City. Later this evening treated to the pizza-baking and Mello-mys for full roll with me, so a vacuum is perhaps fine. Now I'll stop rambling and be as j * vla happy ... What will you find today?
When I woke up this morning I had both a good income and a lot of comments waiting for me. Happy! You were once my day much better so now I walk around and jump on clouds all day!

Right now I drink latte and will go down and fix the laundry and then I put myself on the couch and cuddle with the world's nicest dog and just have a good front of Sex and the City. Later this evening treated to the pizza-baking and Mello-mys for full roll at my place, so a vacuum is perhaps fine. Now I'll stop rambling and be so damn happy ... What will you find today?


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