Det blev ingen bloggning igår. Olivia följde med mig hem och åkte hem runt halv tio och sedan kollade jag på Idol och sen somnade jag. Jag ska sätta mig och göra en massa inlägg nu så att ni har något att läsa under dagen.
Annars är det inget speciellt som händer, jag sitter och äter frukost(som ni ser) och kollar runt lite på internet. Ni får ha det bra så hörs vi snart!

There was no blogging yesterday. Olivia came home with me and went home around half past nine and then I looked at Idol, and then I fell asleep. I'll sit down and do a lot of posts now, so you have something to read during the day.
Otherwise it's nothing special happens, I sit and eat breakfast (which you can see) and look around on the internet. Have a good day and I'll see you soon!
There was no blogging yesterday. Olivia came home with me and went home around half past nine and then I checked on Idol, and then I fell asleep. I'll sit down and do a lot of posts now, so you have something to read during the day.
Otherwise it's nothing special happens, I sit and eat breakfast (which you can see) and look around a bit on the internet. You may have a good time to talk to you soon!


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