through my phone.
Som ni ser har det börjat snöa här, igen. Som ni också ser har jag också ätit choklad... MEN jag unnade mig det eftersom att jag har haft två hårda träningspass idag, ett imorgon, ett på torsdag + promenader nästan varje dag. Jag förtjänar det! Nu är jag helt slut så jag ska gå och ta hand om tvätten och sen ska jag sova. Hörs imorgon!
As you can see, it started snowing here again. As you also see, I have also eaten chocolate ... BUT I allowed myself the time because I have had two hard training sessions today, one tomorrow, one on Thursday + walks almost every day. I deserve it! Now I am totally exhausted so I'll go and take care of the laundry and then I sleep. Lecture tomorrow!
As you can see, it started snowing here again. As you also see, I have also eaten chocolate ... BUT I allowed myself because I have had two hard workouts today, one tomorrow, one on Thursday + walks almost every day. I deserve it! Now I am totally exhausted so I'll go and take care of the laundry and then I sleep. See ya' tomorrow!