Har bäddat ner mig i sängen med B&J och Stylisterna. Jag har nästan packat klart och imorgon beger jag mig mot en fullspäckad helg i Sundsvall. Vi får se om jag har tid med er under helgen, annars syns vi på måndag igen. Sov gott!
Has bedded me down in bed with the B & J and stylist are. I've almost finished packing and tomorrow I head towards a busy weekend in Sundsvall. We'll see if I have time with you over the weekend, otherwise see you on Monday again. Sleep well!
Has bedded me down in bed with the B & J and The Stylists(Swedish show). I've almost finished packing and tomorrow I head towards a busy weekend in Sundsvall. We'll see if I have time with you over the weekend, otherwise see you on Monday again. Sleep well!