Nu ska jag snart hoppa på bussen och slå igång mina favoriter i lurarna men först vill jag meddela er att bloggningen idag kommer vara väldigt låg eftersom att jag ska sitta barnvakt direkt efter skolan till ikväll och sen måste jag hem och duscha och plugga så ni får klara er med tre inlägg idag men jag hoppas att det är ok. Ha en bra dag allesammans!
Now I will soon jump on the bus and beat up my favorites in the headphones but first I want to tell you that the update today will be very low because I'll baby-sit after school 'til tonight and then I must go home and shower and study so you'll see only three posts today but I hope it's ok. Have a great day everyone!
Good morning dear readers! Now I will soon jump on the bus and beat up my favorites in the headphones but first I want to tell you that blogging today will be very low because I'll baby-sit after school tonight and then I must go home and shower and plug so you have meet you with three posts today but I hope it's ok. Have a great day everyone!
Now I will soon jump on the bus and beat up my favorites in the headphones but first I want to tell you that blogging today will be very low because I'll baby-sit after school 'til the evening and then I must go home and shower and study so It will come up only three posts today but I hope it's ok. Have a great day everyone!