Ni har säkert sett flera bloggare tipsa om dessa shorts och jag tänker också apa efter. Dessa shorts är så sjukt snygga! Jag funderar verkligen på att köpa ett par. Jag vet att de har börjat sålts på Nelly och Bubbleroom så om ni vill ha ett par snygga, trendsäkra och välsittande shorts borde ni satsa på ett par från One Teaspoon.

You have probably seen several bloggers tell about these shorts and I am also thinking ape. These shorts are so sick looking! I'm thinking really about buying a pair. I know that they have begun sold on Nelly and Bubble Room, so if you want a pair of stylish, trend-conscious and well-fitting shorts, you should go for a couple from One Teaspoon.
You have probably seen several bloggers tell about these shorts and I am also thinking ape. These shorts are so sick looking! I'm thinking really about buying a pair. I know that they have begun sold on Nelly and Bubble Room, so if you want a pair of stylish, trend-conscious and well-fitting shorts, you should go for a couple from One Teaspoon.

Postat av: Anonym

ja håller med! riktigt snygga!!!

2012-01-14 @ 00:45:29

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