Jag tror att det var senast förra veckan jag sa att jag hatade peep-toe, men som ni vet ändrar jag mig lika snabbt som vinden byter riktning och nu vill jag ha ett par. Helst de på bilden. De andra med nitar där bak är också riktigt snygga, dom kan också få flytta in i min garderob...

I think it was just last week I said I hated the peep-toe, but as you know I change myself as fast as the wind changes direction and now I want a pair. Ideally, those in the picture. The other with rivets in the back is also really smart, they can also move into my closet ...
I think it was just last week I said I hated the peep-toe, but as you know I change myself as fast as the wind changes direction and now I want a pair. Ideally, those in the picture. The other with studs in the back looks also very good, they can also move into my closet ...


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